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- Create Date July 15, 2022
- Last Updated April 29, 2024
PLME_RPM_4.1.ino: For Module 01M21V0 Display on an LCD screen, AFR or O2, rpm + oxygen sensor calibration
This program from https://controlduino.com/ runs on an Arduino UNO, MEGA and others.
The aim of this program is to measure the (%O2, AFR, rpm) data of a gas coming from the combustion, obtained from the
module (Controlduino 01M21V00) and display them on the LCD,
It also shows the state of the lambda probe if the measurement is invalid.
Command input pins:
• Pin7: Display change between %O2 and AFR when pin "7" is connected to ground (pull-up resistor activated, acts on falling edge). it is recommended to display %O2 before adjusting the probe.
• Pin8: Adjustment when pin "8" is connected to ground (pull-up resistor activated, acts on falling edge). This allows the air to be set to 20.95% oxygen to compensate for probe and component errors and pressure due to geodetic altitude .....
This setting is fixed in the non-volatile memory of the module, so it is only adjusted when the set is first used, when the lambda probe is changed, when the module is changed,
or if it is found that the air measurement is very different from 20.95% oxygen. This adjustment should be made when the instrument is in measuring mode and the oxygen probe is in clean air,
Lambda or AFR output is stabilised.
Hardware needed to use this software
• Arduino board
• Lambda module and wires (Controlduino 01M11V00)
• Wideband Lambda probe
• Display (LCD1602) with (LCD I2C( controller)
• Power supply (V=12V, I>=2A)
Informacion and downloads.
On the website https://controlduino.com/ you can find all information about the Lambda modules and Shield and other modules.
To use this software you need to have the "Lambda_rpm" library installed which can be downloaded from
https://controlduino.com/lambda-rpm-module-01m21v00/ or https://controlduino.com/download/library-lambda_rpm-h-for-arduino/
You can purchase Lambda Shields and Lambda Modules, Sensors and other modules from the https://controlduino.com/store/ shop
In the following link you can download all the arduino files, smartphone APPs, datasheets about the board and probes... :
If you have any questions or want to share your projects, you can do it in the forum: https://controlduino.com/forum/
Display library:
The library for the LCD Display 1602 I2C module (“LiquidCrysta I2C" by Frank de Brabander, version 1.1.2) can be found at the following link: