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- Create Date July 15, 2022
- Last Updated July 15, 2022
PLME_RPM_2.1.ino: For Module 01M21V0 Basic + adjustment of air. + configurate rpm
The aim of this program is to measure the (%O2, Lambda, AFR, rpm) data of a gas coming from the combustion obtained from the
lambda module (Controlduino 01M21V00) and display it on the serial monitor of the arduino.also sends battery voltage, state,
and diagnostics.
Adjust when a "1" is sent from the arduino serial monitor. This allows the air to be set to 20.95% oxygen, to compensate for probe and components errors, and pressure due to geodetic altitude.....
This adjustment is fixed in the non-volatile memory of the module, so it will only be adjusted the first time the set is used, if the lambda probe is changed, if the module is changed, or if it is observed that the air measurement differs a lot from 20.95% oxygen. This adjustment should be made when in measuring state, and with the probe in clean air the oxygen, lambda or AFR output value is stabilised.
Set in the non-volatile memory the rpm calculation parameters when a "6" is sent from the arduino serial monitor.This allows by entering the appropriate values in the configuration to modify the rpm calculation parameters, such as the filter or the ratio of the number of signals on each revolution of the shaft.....